What is we do when we decide? We settle for a solution to a problem or a choice. How do we arrive at that decision? What is the process? We become aware of the options, the possibilities; we weigh them up against certain criteria; what determines what those criteria are? We have an outcome in mind of what we perceive to be the best option, but what is it that determines what we mean by best? Best for who? For us? For society? For another person or group of people? In determining what we perceive to be the best outcome we have a framework of how we view life ethically, morally, but more than that, there is a pervading emotional driver which bubbles away beneath the surface of our decision making. That driver is what causes our heart to beat faster; our source of inner joy. When we sense that increase in heart rate and our emotions begin to lift, if we listen to that and pursue whatever it is which is the cause of that increase, we find our inner happiness and that is an indication that whatever it is we choose to do is the right option, regardless of what other individuals or society might think. Their drivers are not our drivers necessarily: we all have individual paths to follow and we can best serve the greater expansion of humanity’s consciousness when we are true to ourselves and what is fulfilling for us as individuals. The whole is strongest when the component parts are strong. When formative components lack integrity, there is structural fragility.

Follow your passion.