When we are in love, we get to see just how breathtakingly magnificent the heart is. We get to see and experience divine love, mesmerising us with its all-encompassing, uplifting compassion.

When we experience loss or separation, the pain we feel is not that of a heart breaking. What breaks is the fragile, ill-constructed lens through which we have been glimpsing the true, inexhaustible, beauty of the heart. The conditioned, fear-based self creates that window to protect itself from being engulfed and dissolved by the immensity of all that is. This causes us to see the heart from a narrow, focused, single perspective, like looking through a magnifying glass or window. When the window’s inherent fragility causes the glass to shatter, we feel the pain and loss as we return to our blinkered, blinded viewpoint. The heart is still there, untouched in its purity, still full of limitless love and beauty. The heart does not need to heal. The process through which we access the heart is where we the healing is required.

When we learn to see the heart as it truly is, without needing fear-based constructs and filters, we experience the never-ending feeling of true, magnificent love.