When we view the life or circumstances of others through our own lens, we see with distortion. We try to squeeze the glimpses into our conditioned framework and in so doing we lose context; the essential foundation for all that there is. We perceive struggles when there are none, because we imagine that if we were to be suddenly dropped into that circumstance it would be challenging for us, and yes, no doubt the contrast and adaption required would indeed require a shift in process and habit. Yet, for those immersed in an accustomed situation, the challenges are not necessarily felt or experienced in the same way as we perceive that they might be. We can observe a situation from the outside but should stop short of judgement, in all its forms. We simply do not have the context with which to form anything other than mild curiosity and appreciation for the diversity which we are all afforded as individuals, whether that individuality be as race, colour, gender, nationality, beliefs or otherwise.

When we see difference, let us celebrate that diversity. The more we notice a divergence from our own circumstance, the greater our appreciation and joy in that awareness can be.