Nothing stands alone: everything is connected, whether or not you can see or perceive those connections is immaterial. The connections are there regardless of your awareness. What is also true to say is that the more mindful you are of this interconnectedness, the easier it is to flow and grow and manifest. How often have you heard the expression “it’s a small world”? It is used to denote occurrences which seem unfeasibly closely connected given the apparent size of the planet and the numbers of inhabitants and permutations thereof. When you operate unaware of the absolute interconnectedness in all things, the causal factors and links between events can seem implausible and it is only the fact that the event occurs which gives rise to your being aware that such a possibility could even exist, and to base such possibility on how you view the probability of such a connection would be to diminish the chances of it ever occurring. You become a curious observer, without any answer, and life goes on with many such unanswered strangenesses. When you view the world through your assessment of probabilities you are basing those probabilities on your limited understanding of the universe. As a bookmaker, you would not be a particularly successful one. Only when you have all the facts are you able to make a more sensible assessment and it is our aim today to share with you thoughts and levels of awareness which when meditated upon will enhance your understand of just how closely all events and inhabitants are connected. When you see the puppets move as children, you are more focused on the puppets themselves and it is only as you grow in awareness that you are able to notice the puppeteer and the strings. It is this level of awareness we wish to encourage in you. When you watch a television program you do not stop to think and wonder as to how the signal for that particular channel and program is being decoded and filtered from all of the other channels, programs and signals which are flowing all around you. You accept the images on the screen as the sole extent of the situation. You do this with life when you ignore the strings behind the puppet booth. Learning to expand your awareness to bring in the interconnectedness will help you make decisions which will benefit all. With mindfulness and action through the heart you will feel the connections and the decisions will be easy to make. They might not fit into your conditioned, no strings attached way of viewing the universe but they will be the better decisions and will ultimately bring you and the universe more love and joy. Knowing we are all connected and therefore that we are all one entity will help with taking right action. Every leaf on a tree is dependent on the other leaves and all together form the tree. When one leaf is diseased, the neighbouring leaves can be affected and if that leaf falls, the effectiveness of the tree as a single entity is diminished. There is less shade, less processing of carbon dioxide, less shelter for the birds. If the majority of the leaves are greedy with their moisture and nutrient requirements then the remaining leaves are starved of their moisture and nutrients and the tree as a whole suffers. A single leaf on one part of the tree might not be able to see the leaves on all the other branches but it knows it is connected. Humanity is operating as branches which have been cut from the tree and for a period, yes the leaves will have enough moisture and nutrients within the branch and sap to survive but this is not sustainable. When operating independently from its true self, growth is no longer possible and ill health will be the result. Share the love, share the world, share the future.