I’m feeling drawn to write about circles. Is that drawing or writing?  Everything is circular. The simple representation of the complete, harmonious whole. The whole hole.  When we think, we think in circles, continually revisiting core elements. We send out spokes to explore the boundary of our concept of what we are thinking of. We try different approaches, each one returning to the central issue. Planets are circles of circles as globes. We get around to something. It is always there and we eventually come back to it in a circular manner. The circle of life. Ever revolving, without end. There is no point at which one can say the cycle begins. When viewed in isolation one might be tempted to say that life begins with birth but that is to exclude that which gives birth and the life before the birth. The consciousness before the conception. The chicken and the egg. Humanity is a whole, not a collection of separate dots. When joined together the whole is formed as one without discernible breaks. Even if it were to be just dots, they themselves would be circles. Where am I going with this? Answer: back to where I started of course – it’s a circle. Spokes were sent out to describe a concept and now I return to the core. Circles. From wherever you stand a circle is equal. One cannot say that about a square, with its straights and corners. Is the corner better than the straight? As the corner it’s responsible for joining the two straights together yet without the straights it would not exist; indeed, it does not exist as a standalone entity, merely the expression of two straights and their meeting. A circle is singular, unending, the angles and relationships between and two adjoining points always the same regardless of where on the circle they appear. Always symmetrical. Ironic in that that which is used to define that content which is contained by the circle cannot itself be defined or pinpointed with a definity; that of Pi. Again, we return along our spoke to the core and determine that the circle is infinite. Yet it is also an absolute. We see it. It stands complete. We name it as a circle yet itself is defined by the infinite value of Pi.  Some things can be named and known yet not defined by their absolute elemental components. Humanity is one such example. We can name humanity. We can name elements thereof yet what we cannot do is to take any one element in isolation and still have the whole as a functioning entity. We are that entity. A collection of humans does not function as it was intended. It is the arc of a circle and therefore no longer a functioning, complete circle. It goes only so far and the stops. At the end. Always searching for meaning in the to-ing and fro-ing and see-sawing back and forth wondering why nothing makes sense. What purpose does the arc have? A circle yes, we can see that value. We see how complete it is and pure of form. But the arc. The arc is merely an interesting observation and serves no real purpose other than to be what it is. Nothing can be defined by an arc. Nothing contained. No substance or content. As humans our value is in our collectivity. We do not stand alone from any other. Even if we cannot see the others across the circle, we would have nothing without them.