When we search for something, do we filter our receptivity with conditioned thought and perception? What are we looking for when we look for life on Mars? Little green men? Cellular life forms? What technology are we using? Technology designed to see lifeforms which we already familiar with? We are surrounded by lifeforms which our technology and perception does not see. We exist in a specific dimension. We see and hear in limited bandwidths. Our receptors have been developed to sense that which is evident within our awareness. When we incarnate into our human form we are able to experience the world as we know it now: three dimensional, low vibrational, limited. We perceive the Universe through filters. The same technology which we create in this world is the technology we have within us. When inventing and creating we perform a needs-analysis based on what we can conceive and our conceptions are derivatives of what we already know to be possible.

   What could we achieve if we could conceive of a Universe outside of the view perceived through our filters?