When one door closes another door opens. So goes the saying. Always we notice the doors closing, They get our attention when they are slammed. The doors which are opening do so without announcing themselves. They are there, patiently waiting, unassuming, just there for us as opportunities if we choose to step through those open doorways. If we close our eyes and remove the requirement to see where we’re going, it drives the ego crazy. There is a perceived loss of control and the ego flags this a potential dangerous situation, yet with the eyes closed we can wander about our experience freely and pass through as many open doorways as we can generate if we trust. There is no second-guessing taking place: should I go through this doorway or that? What lies beyond this one? Is that one better? If we trust and allow ourselves to move through this beautiful experience, life becomes a true adventure and we are transported to places which enrich our soul and its journey. How many times have we denied ourselves a wonderful experience because the ego persuaded us to stick with the safe option? The ego exists purely to keep us alive. Its remit is to prolong the experience not to give it quality. The ego will generate fear: fear of the unknown, fear of what might be, what could be. When the ego rules our actions we miss out on so much. Learn to live with the ego and the messages it gives us. Thank the ego for its diligence and step through the doorway anyway.