When we pick up a book, the book already contains the full contents which will unfold before our eyes along an expected timeline. We start at page one and continue in a linear fashion, allowing the intended message to be delivered in the order the author intended. From the author’s point of view, they know the full story. There is no need for them to revisit the content along that timeline. The author sees and knows the complete book in an instant: time does not play a part; it is an unnecessary construct for the author.

   The timeline exists only for people wishing to experience the book with all its twists and turns. 

   Our lives are the same. Our inner senses, or soul, if you will, writes the book and knows what it sets out to achieve. Our egoic self and outer senses get to read that book along a linear timeline, yet in actuality, time does not exist. The book is there in its entirety when viewed from the soul.

   We go to great lengths to buy the book and our agreement and understanding before we do so is that we will gain the maximum benefit and enjoyment by allowing the story to unfold as was intended.

   Skipping pages or turning to the end to read the outcome requires a spoiler alert.