Down the road is the light of the tunnel we all must pass through sooner or later. It is not to be feared or doubted or questioned, it just is. It is a portal through to who you really are and it is coming home. Much love awaits those on the other side of this portal. People have seen the other side and returned and they talk of love, but love is on both sides, just hidden from view by social conditioning and structures designed to prolong the game of life and captivity. Time and time again people talk of the other side but know not of what it brings. Much fear is left behind when you transition and much fear is left in those who remain, but it is a beautiful experience if one can only relax and allow it to be.

   Don’t fight the transition, the flow from one realm to the other. Birth is traumatic, but we know of that when we subscribe to the experience, then the irony is that we forget how beautiful it is on the other side and spend our lives resisting the return to our home and harmony. It’s difficult; we understand and have made the transition many times ourselves. We are with you and completely respect why you are afraid of the process and the unknown, but all we can say is to trust in your hearts and the beauty and amazing process which is the ability to transition between planes of existence.

   Tomorrow is another day, and when we sleep we do not fear waking up on the other side of the unknown, yet the transition to the other side is just the same. Give strength and guidance to those you love and help them in that transition. Much has been written in the ages gone by about this transition and much has been confused and clouded in man’s attempts to explain and to put into language appropriate for the times. Just as in Chinese Whispers, the truth becomes distorted and the point is lost. 

   There is so much benefit and value in being on your side of the fence and experiences are enjoyed and lived which are simply not available in any other realm. It is a wonderful playground, a sandpit to be explored and wondered at, marvelled at. Many people become addicted in a way to the experience and get so wrapped up in it that they forget even more deeply just what the reality is. They then become advocates for the persistence of the illusion and many are convinced by their enthusiasm and eagerness to explain their view of the illusion, which is not seen to be illusory by them. If we can see the reality, see the illusion, see the game for what it is, then we are not afraid and have no reason to be fearful or to live with trepidation as the transition approaches. I say this to you, be not afraid of what lies ahead, do not fill your minds with worry over what you cannot control or cannot influence or cannot know in this experience. Worry is wasted energy and only serves to harm your wellbeing and health of the physical body in stress and tension and anxiety and the consequent malfunction of the processes within the physical vehicle and manifestation, which is the human body. Processes are interfered with when love is absent, when harmony is absent, when the natural process and magnificence of the abilities of the body to repair, to heal, to grow, to develop, to flourish, are handicapped by blockages in energetic flow caused by misinformation. The way the body was intended to function simply, lies in the background as a genetic memory, and instead, the restrictions caused by unclear thought cause the regeneration to break down and illnesses to take hold. Illnesses are a sign that the beauty of creation and the manifestation of physical reality is being held back by restrictions. Energy blockages completely interfere with what was designed to be a perfect process. Man should live for a thousand years but cannot do so in the dense, misinformation environment which has taken root in this realm. There is simply too much history and misinformation and collective agreement in how things appear to be to allow the true function of the human design to operate as it should. It is handicapped by history and belief, or rather lack of belief, in how it is intended to be. It will return to its glory one day, but for now we must deal with the hand we have and awareness is the first step toward that reinstatement of what was meant to be and what will be again.