When we have an expectation of an outcome, we open ourselves up for disappointment and we must therefore learn how to approach that situation when it arises. And it will. And it does. Dislocation of expectation is used as a key method of non-physical torture.

   Life is a rollercoaster of emotions when you’re attached to outcomes. One day you’re up; the next you’re down. You’re at the mercy of events over which other people and other groups of people have more control than you do, especially when your focus isn’t actively creating the reality you desire. When your focus is passive, the events which befall you are the creation of other parties, or your Higher Self which calls to you experiences which your ego wouldn’t choose to experience if left to its own devices.

   Only when we allow ourselves to continually experience the ego’s uncomfortable feeling of uncertainty do we open ourselves up to all possibility. When we have a pre-determined notion or expectation of how something should unfold, we close ourselves off to options. The Universe through our Higher Self can only truly deliver what is in our best interest when we permit it access to all possibility. Learn to live comfortably with uncertainty. Befriend it.