The earth is living and has intelligence. Do we think that only creatures with brains have intelligence? Is man more intelligent than a tree? More intelligent than a seed? What do we mean when we talk about intelligence? Can a tree think? Does it have a brain? Can we see the intelligence in a seed? Can we see its life-force? The very force and intelligence which allows a simple seed to grow into a magnificent tree. A tree which has the intelligence and understanding of nature and the universe to be able to feed itself by shedding leaves and fruit so that their nutrients can be absorbed back into the soil which in turn sustains the life-force of the very tree which produced them in the first place. That is intelligence. Sustainable intelligence.

   Does a computer have a brain? Can it think? Computers perform certain tasks much faster and more reliably, more consistently than man, but do they have brains? A mind? What is it that we have which a computer doesn’t? Empathy? Compassion? Love? Connection and awareness to, and of, each other? An understanding? We understand that we actively interact with each other and that those interactions generate emotions. Do computers have emotions? No, yet they are undoubtedly excellent at problem solving given certain scenarios and parameters. We do the same. Our minds are excellent at problem solving, given certain scenarios, yet when we apply our intelligence purely in this way, we become like the computer: cold, calculating, disconnected from each other, from nature, from the universe. Only when we involve our hearts in the process can we set ourselves above the level of basic processing. Only then can we nurture ourselves. Only then will humanity be sustainable. Only then will man’s intelligence be seen to match that of the tree.