Feel the light around you at this time it is his presence, his light, his love, all around you, illuminating and warming you. Cosseting you. Know this light to be you, to be us, to be all that there is. All lies within the light, all knowledge, all knowing, all wisdom, yes. ALL LOVE. Every thing you know or have ever been aware of resides within this light. There is nothing which can exist or has ever existed since the dawning of this experience which does not come from and reside within the light. From the light is created EVERYTHING. ALL. IT IS ALL. Just as light can refract, so too do the different and differing experiences emanate from this singular source. EVERY aspect is of the ONE. The single source splintered into the trillions and trillions of unique, each of them unique and beautiful, aspects of the singular source. The all mighty source of all there is or has ever been or ever will be. LIGHT. THE Light. Pure, white light. Crystalline, yes. Intelligent. Absolute intelligence. Unflawed, perfect intelligence. All knowing. Perfectly compassionate, perfectly generous. The earthly experience of those characteristics are but glimpses of the perfection of those characteristics as they are in the Source, in GOD. The human heart is the measurement and indicator of the connection to God. A hot/cold, near/far detector of closeness to God’s truth. The closer you get to God, the more your heart fills with His Love. You simply FEEL it. If it feels good, it is God. If it feels even better, you are even closer to God. If it feels unpleasant, sad, then you are becoming separate and distant from His Love. It is your signpost back to Home.