We do not own anything which we bring forth. We all own that which is brought forth. Paradox or perspective? The concept of ownership belongs to a mind which is disconnected from all that there is. A lonely mind. One which has long since forgotten the connection it has to everything. Creativity is the Universe. The Universe is creativity. When we bring forth creations we are bringing into our reality that which is the divine essence of the universe. It exists to create and us creating is our allowing that creative essence to flow through us; to bubble to the surface of our experience.

   The paradigm of ownership has reinforced the isolation we feel when we view reality through the perspective of individual, lonely, accidental occurrence: when we forget love. The haves and the have nots. The concept is alien to who you really are. What does man do to his home, the planet, when he takes for himself? What does he actually achieve? He temporarily alleviates what he feels as fear. It is a fear-based action. One borne out of the feeling of lack. Borne out of not trusting or understanding in the reality of this experience. He has been conditioned to believe that there is nothing beyond his five senses. Nothing beyond his passing. When viewed that way the human experience is indeed a confusing and fear-inducing one. To continue to view life through that perspective will continue to breed unhappiness and destruction. The same universe which creates the undeniable intelligence which allows man to exist and which brings forth such beauty in nature has not stopped short there. The whole is perfect and loving and inclusive. It does not abandon you to the dog-eat-dog perspective which you have been led to believe as a reality.

   We are at an absolutely crucial crossroads in the human experience. The old ways have been seen to be fragile and without substance. Selfish and unsustainable. The transition will not come easily as there are many who will deeply struggle to release the old, self-serving ways. We must all come together with LOVE at the forefront. Continually questioning our actions, our motivations, addressing the fears which undoubtedly will arise. View your reality through the perspective of LOVE and not fear. Trust that you will be provided for. We will all be provided for with all that we need. We do not need material possessions; the latest thing. When we have community, compassion, consideration then we make decisions based on sustainability and we build a world, our home, which we are proud to be a part of. What we need is courage.