What is frustration? Frustration is the energy of pausing and allowing, put into a context which is stifled and ignorant of the future. It exists as a blockage of energy which is being held up  by a struggle to display patience. Where there is a deep wanting or longing for an outcome then when time doesn’t allow for the immediate gratification there exists an outward spilling of the energy contained within the creative process and the consequences are twofold. The energy which is spilled detracts from the creative process itself and therefore reduces the intensity and ability of the process thus further delaying the gratification and completion and generation of the desired outcome, Secondly, the act of feeling the energy as frustration distracts from the creative process and lowers the vibration and further hampers the process by interfering with the Universe’s ability to manifest.

   So, what to do when frustration arises? Firstly, allow. Allow the process to run its course. Recognize the frustration as spilling-out of energy, which belongs in the creative process, and acknowledge the intensity of the energy. Make a sincere intention to allow the energy to flow back into the process and trust that the process will continue behind the scenes if you will. When we have a strong desire to manifest, whether it be for a new outcome or a change in outcome, then the more we understand of the process the better able we are to trust and to have the patience necessary to allow that outcome to to materialize. When we do not understand the process it is all too easy to distrust and to lose faith. Know that the Universe manifests in this manner. Look back into your life to see where you have successfully manifested, whether it be for a happy, desired outcome or for an unwanted outcome which you allowed to appear by focusing energy onto that particular outcome by worrying about it. The Universe does not judge an outcome. That judgment is a perception for the individual. What is desired for one might be undesirable for another and what is desirable for you at one stage in your life might be undesirable under different circumstances at a different stage of your life. The Universe creates. It creates with flowing energy and attention. When the flow of energy is thwarted or diverted then the creation process is interfered with and the outcome might no longer be the same as was originally conceived of. When one maintains the focus and therefore the flow of thought and desire-energy towards a particular outcome then the process proceeds unhindered and the desired outcome appears. Time is a factor which plays its part here. We can conceive of an outcome instantaneously, yet we must then await the necessary structures to take their place behind the scenes. Just as an acorn becomes an oak tree, there is a finite time involved for the process to happen. If the acorn were to lose faith or to distrust the Universe in its ability to create then the acorn’s energy would be diverted into frustration and the sprouting and growth would not be as healthy. Contemplate the process. Look all around you and recognize the examples of where creation is magnificent when time is allowed to play its part. Recognize within you the shifting focus of your aspirations and dreams. Recognize your achievements. Success comes to those who retain focus and trust in the creative process. Our imagination is divine. We can create the most beautiful, intricate, spectacular, heart-warming outcomes in our minds. That is but the first step. That is the divine spark of inspiration, In Spirit. The Universe sees that spark and the wheels of creation are put into motion. Just because we don’t see the acorn germinating below the mulched leaves of the forest floor does not mean that the the young oak tree is not sprouting up ready to burst forth at the appropriate time.

   Understand the process. Trust the process. Divert your frustration back into Universal creativity.