Deeply entrenched. Protected from the outside. Secure here. The danger flies overhead and I am safe.



This is all very well…

If I sit and observe. Quietly. Patiently. Without judgment. With love. With compassion. What do I notice about my situation? How do I feel about being here? Where is the quality? Satisfaction? Purpose? Why does my trench exist? Actively created or passively, subconsciously evolved? Climbing out of the trench requires effort and a willingness to be exposed. A vulnerability. Sticking your head above the parapet. What is there to fear? What are the potential gains? Risk vs reward. An examination of our physiology is recommended; of our life-support system for this experience. We have mechanisms in place which keep us safe, designed to prolong our experience so we can work through the lessons and achieve our goals. Those mechanisms in themselves do not consider the quality of our experience, merely the fact that the experience is able to continue. To add quality to the experience we need to involve the inner mechanisms, our soul if you will. The safety mechanisms are a framework, a foundation for us to build upon, yet many of us, in our experiences thus far, have heard the bullets and shells overhead and are reluctant to peer above the top of the trench. We hear tales of people who have tried and failed and the risk of that reinforces our fear. After all, the trench is safe. Why would we risk it? Until we experience the rewards it is difficult to know just if the risk is worth it. Even when we hear of the success of others we still have our own personal fear.

   So how do we weigh up the risk vs reward? How do we learn to clim out of the deep trench we’ve been digging ourself deeper into? Trust in the wisdom we all have inside. Our hearts have the answer. Not the romantic notion of a heart drawn on a Valentine’s day card: the real heart; the essence of who we are. It is no coincidence that the true heart is at our physical heart, the heart of our body; the center of this physical framework we use to experience our universe. When we can tap into that wisdom we get answers which resonate. These answers rise above fear. Courage lies here.