When there is doubt, relax and trust; see things unfold and smile in the elegance and simplicity of the timing and synchronicities of events: the orchestration if you will. The pre-planned elements coming together in a most beautiful harmonious way with love underpinning all. Yet do not fear that there is only fate and no influence or control from your own part. You all have the ultimate say in what happens: you can choose to allow things to unfold, or to stop and change and try something else anytime you like. It can be done anytime you wish to get off the journey or the path. You can do so without any permission or feeling of guilt or doubt, just do it.

   Love underpins every action. The best results are obtained when you make such actions as felt in your hearts and you will know that and see that when you observe your emotions and feelings at the time or when looking back after the event, but it is all about learning how to make use of these emotions and feelings to steer you on the journey; your rudder if you will. We do not have vested interest in swaying your opinion or steering you on the path other than to assist you in following your truest sense of self and heartfelt joyous passion. We are here for you to assist whenever you ask or are in need of a reminder of who you truly are.

   It is fair to say that the path which brings you the greatest happiness is generally the path you agreed upon before you came into being in this incarnation. The plans you made, the ideas you had of what you’d like to experiment with; of how you saw your journey unfolding; of the relationships you wanted to explore; of the actions you wished to experience and the lessons you wanted to have, and how you wished to play. Agreements are made with others. Agreements of how things would unfold when you followed your hearts, but that said, you are always aware that things do not always go to that initial plan and that is the special peculiarity or circumstance of the human condition; the forgetting; the  lack of knowing; the blindness; the blinkered vision, and that is what makes the unfolding of the truest heartfelt actions the most joyous. The unexpectedness of it all. To know what lies ahead is to see it all unfold in an instant; there is consequently no journey as such and the path becomes a point in time and space, not a gracious unfolding. The best novels and movies are ones which unfold beautifully before as you observe the intricacies of the relationships, the consequences of actions, the emotions unfolding. Those are the joys to be had. Do not turn to the last page of the world’s best novel and spoil the fun. Allow each page to turn in its own time, enjoying each twist as you go.