We all collaborate when we agree to incarnate here on Earth. We co-create everything we experience. Rarely are we aware of that co-creation process though and that is part of the agreement. Situations arise which we experience and are left to deal with; to learn from; to play out in all their intricacies. We observe the day-to-day events and experiences as a duck is observed above the waterline or an iceberg: much is happening behind or below the scenes which we are not overtly aware of yet the majority of the workings are very much integral to the creation of what we see and experience above the line so to speak. We drive along the highway of life without ever seeing the activity which lies beneath the hood. That level of detail isn’t necessary and would quite often be a distraction.

Everything we experience has a co-dependency: nothing stands alone in isolation or independent of other events. Everything has an influence to a degree. What we choose to allow into our awareness has an influence and we can use the knowledge of this to our advantage. By being mindful of how we wish to feel and what we wish to experience, unless we are also mindful of everything we choose our focus to settle on, we are opening ourselves up to the possibility of being distracted from our desired path. What do we draw towards us when we watch the news on television? For the most part we allow our emotions to be influenced by events which are happening all around the world and by focusing on them we bring them into greater personal awareness and our feelings and emotions are consequently influenced. Our technology can be used to augment our happiness and also to detract from it.  The global, and indeed, universal, field of consciousness is ever present and contains all actuality and possibility. Where we choose to focus determines what we receive into our direct, personal awareness, yet the field is still all round us and permeates our very being. Just as we choose to tune a television or radio to a particular station puts the focus onto a particular frequency and brings the content of that frequency into our awareness, we also know that the entire frequency and station spectrum exists at the very same instant and is ever-present and available should we so choose to give it focus. The question is, are we being influenced by the frequencies which we haven’t chosen to focus on? Does the field exert an influence on us? Is that influence below the waterline? Should be more mindful of what we feed into the field? Our emotions carry an energetic charge which can be measured outside of the body. We are energetic beings and the electricity which is produced within our cells also produces the magnetism which permeates out into the universe and carries with it the signature of our emotional state. We can tune into the emotions of another individual when we are in their company and similarly we can influence and be influenced by the emotions of collective humanity when we understand what is happening under the hood of our experience. The more we collectively can take responsibility for our part in the collaborative creation of what we experience on Earth, the better able we will be to move beyond the primitive, reactive, low-vibration activities which have held us back from truly connecting to what the heart has to offer and the true potential of what humanity can aspire to.

   Awareness is where it begins. How we choose to use that awareness is what defines us.