When conquering one’s beliefs, much mention needs to be made of the consequences and challenges which lie within such transformations. It is not enough to simply allow the changes to take place or to be made, one must make careful consideration of the likely impact on the psyche and the circumstances which will ensue from the changes.

   We hold onto our beliefs like a drowning man holds onto driftwood. The fear is ever present of the consequences of a slip. We must tread carefully as we introduce the growth and change into the awareness of the individual. When we allow change to occur we invite in all possibility and there is a fear of the unknown and it is disturbing to our status quo. Follow the thread with caution: the breadcrumbs can be magical if we are accustomed to change but for those of us for whom such action is alarming, gently does it is our motto. I ask that we proceed carefully and with wisdom. There is really no rush and certainly nothing to be gained by shocking the system into awareness of a new possibility. Rejection is all too real an option if the transition is too severe.